While cleaning out an old volunteer library in Malawi, Africa, in 2009, I found a very, very old guidebook to the Colorado Trail.
I still don't know how the book made its way so far from its trail -- halfway around the world. But the pictures inside were enthralling; enchanting, really. Everyone had enormous '80s haircuts, and they all were engaged in such normal, happy activities. The hikers posed confidently on windy mountaintops, not a single small screaming child nor malarial parasite to be seen for miles in any direction.
"When I get out of this mud hut, I'm going to go do that," I vowed to myself from beneath my mosquito net, possibly still a little delirious from the cholera, "and I will attain for myself one of those formidable haircuts, too."
While the mullet has yet to materialize, I did walk the Colorado Trail, Denver to Durango, in July, August, and September 2010. The trip took me 56 days, though most people will be able to finish easily in 45 or less. The route is billed as the most beautiful long trail in the US, and from what I can tell, that's pretty darn true. I figured I'd share a few photos -- and some tips about the trail. Though the 2007 guidebook and 2009 databook were enormously valuable, both books had their fair shares of misprints, typos, missed landmarks, and mismeasurements, and the trail has been rerouted in a couple places. (Updates of both books will be available for 2011, and are recommended.)
Under each segment are some pictures, a story or six, and then at the end are some suggested updates to the 2009 databook. You may want to glance through and jot down the ones you feel might be relevant (for example, the trail reroutes,) so you can access them during your hike.
If you wish, you can also download the entire databook update file here, in printable format (open with wordpad,) from one of several mirrors:
CT Databook tips via mediafire
CT Databook tips via filedropper
Many thanks to all the hikers I met along the trail -- I could not have even hoped for a nicer reintroduction to American culture, generosity of spirit, and friendliness.
Enjoy the CT -- hope you have as delightful a hike as I did!
----> Take me to the first segment!
----> Take me to that bit about the edible mushrooms!
Congrats on completing The Colorado Trail. Tremendous accomplishment. Want your (free) COLORADO TRAIL COMPLETION CERTIFICATE - you deserve it!! Just email us. Thanks,
ReplyDeleteBill Manning
The Colorado Trail Foundation